Author: nodims

Everyone is familiar with the smell of old books, but few know where the smell comes from, and why so many people are so enamored with the smell of old books that they are “nailed” at a library or used bookstore. Old books have a very specific smell. We all know that the older the treasure, the more valuable it is. Books are the treasure of mankind, so it is no exception. The books that have been stored for tens or hundreds of years are not only valuable in terms of knowledge, but also have incalculable historical value. But if you…

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Time travel is an interesting subject that has been the subject of many sci-fi movies, besides it also consumes a lot of brains of many people who aspire to create a machine capable of sending people go back to the past as well as to the future. In order to pass time, it is a matter of speed, there must be a vehicle powerful and durable enough to be able to reach speeds close to or exceeding the speed of light, which is hundreds of thousands of kilometers per second. So the biggest obstacle to time travel today is the type…

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Through part I of the article, do you believe in aliens? If so, guess what they look like? How many alien species have we recorded? And more importantly, what were their intentions when they came to Earth? All of these will be answered in part II. What is the purpose of the alien races that have come to Earth? (Photo via Science Examiner) If in Part I you have heard about many species such as Arcturians, Blue Avians, Ebens, Mantids, then in this section we will cover others that are even more interesting. However, before watching this section, make sure you have finished the first part…

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For many years now, ships from all over the world have not stopped encountering strange things at sea such as: in some places deep under the sea, strangely strong lights are emitted, or mysterious unidentified objects appear. Up to now, these strange phenomena still make scientists think with headaches without finding a solution. Some researchers think that behind these strange phenomena may lie a civilization on the ocean floor… This bizarre object, after diving to a depth of 2000 meters (about 610m), suddenly disappeared from the radar screen. (Image: Pixabay) Undersea UFO In 1963, the US Navy conducted training in the sea near…

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On the island of Barsa-Kelmes, strange and inexplicable things happened. What great secret does the thick fog surrounding this island hide? Of the more than 1,000 large and small islands in the Aral Sea of ​​Central Asia, none is as mysterious and unusual as the island of Barsa-Kelmes. In the Kazakh language of the indigenous people, the island of Barsa-Kelmes means the island of “one gone, no return”. What makes this 133-square-kilometer island (as of 1980) become one of the most mysterious areas in the world, although the Soviet Union used to send troops, planes and tanks to decode it, but everyone…

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