Author: nodims

A new analysis of funnel web spiders shows that factors such as heart rate and defense can impact the rate at which chemicals are distributed across the tips of their venom-producing fangs. Science Alert reports that funnel web spider venoms are complex mixtures , with many potential applications as natural insecticides and pharmaceuticals. In addition, funnel web spiders’ antivenom is used to treat deadly bites caused by them. Therefore, understanding how funnel web spiders make these mixtures will aid in more efficient extraction and use of venom, and help scientists figure out their venom function. Biologist Linda Hernández Duran at James Cook University (Australia)…

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How to detect and prevent unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs)? Sputnik news agency reviewed a series of systems capable of intercepting UAVs. Missile defense system RLK-MTs Valdai, Russia’s specialized radar system to detect, intercept and neutralize small unmanned aerial vehicles – (Image: SPUTNIK) During the second half of the twentieth century, the Soviet Union and the United States focused on missile and air defense systems aimed at fighters, bombers, transport aircraft, ballistic and cruise missiles. Large and expensive manned. The main focus of air and missile defense systems remains missile-launched munitions designed to intercept and destroy enemy aircraft and missiles. For large…

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The microscopic detail in this 17th-century painting has surprised visitors to the museum. The  Daily Mail  recently reported that an interesting secret was discovered by accident when visiting the Art Museum of London (UK). Accordingly, a woman named  Fiona Foskett (57 years old) and her daughter Holly (23 years old) went to the museum and admired a 17th-century portrait of Dutch painter Ferdinand Bo l. The picture possesses “modern” details that surprise visitors. While scrutinizing every detail of the painting, Fiona discovered that the eight-year-old aristocrat wearing a black robe in it was wearing a pair of shoes with a distinctive shape that resembled the…

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More than half of the world’s major lakes and reservoirs have shrunk since the early 1990s, mainly due to climate change. This situation raises concerns about the lack of water for agricultural, hydroelectric and human use. This is information given in a study published on May 18. An international team of researchers assesses that some of the world’s most important freshwater sources – from the Caspian Sea between Europe and Asia to South America’s Lake Titicaca – have been dehydrated at a cumulative rate of about 22 gigatons. every year for nearly three decades. This amount of water is equivalent to 17 times…

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Satellite images taken over the past few weeks show a strong resurgence of Lake Tulare in California, USA . The reappearance of the ghost lake Satellite images taken over the past few weeks show a dramatic resurgence of Lake Tulare in California’s Central Valley and forecast that flooding could persist for the next 2 years on this arid farmland. . Although Lake Tulare is usually dry, it reappears from time to time due to floods and unusually high rainfall , hence the name “ghost lake” . Satellite images provided by Planet Labs show the transition from an arid basin to a wide, deep lake that runs about…

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A new study suggests that within a month of the Big Bang, a second explosion may have given the universe invisible dark matter. Cosmologists have suggested in a new study that the Big Bang may have been accompanied by a shadow, the Big Bang that filled our universe with mysterious dark matter . And we can see evidence for that by studying the ripples in the fabric of space-time. This Hubble Telescope image of the galaxy cluster Cl0024+1654, shows small red dots of stars above a blue dark matter field. After the Big Bang , most cosmologists assumed that the universe went through a period of rapid…

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Things to know about hypnosis Surely people are not too unfamiliar with the term “hypnosis “. Not only is it transmitted by word of mouth in real life, but it also appears quite a lot in movies, comics, magic shows… What is hypnosis? The word “hypnosis” comes from the word “Hypnos” which translates from the Greek to Vietnamese meaning “sleep”. However, hypnosis is not actually related to sleep. In fact, hypnosis can be more like a state in between sleep and wakefulness. Hypnosis is defined by psychiatry as a mental state characterized by heightened imagination, concentration, and relaxation. Subjects are hypnotized – they are not slaves…

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Compared to the present, the sea level in all of human history has never been lower than 120m. But off the coast of Cuba, in 2001, people suddenly discovered the ruins of an ancient city up to 2 km2 wide under a depth of 700m of water. “Atlantis of the Caribbean” Cuba is an island nation in the North of the Caribbean Sea, with an area of ​​109.884 square kilometers and a population of about 11.2 million people. Indigenous inhabitants here are 2 ethnic groups, Taíno and Ciboney (South American Indians). In early 2001, the couple of marine engineers Pauline Zalitzki and…

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