Author: nodims

“Take the elevator, watch out for broken cables, stuck…”. With this worry, many people “boycott” the elevator, or suffer from fear of elevators. What about reality? Imagine: you take an elevator, but the elevator suddenly stops, and then somehow the cable car breaks and falls freely. This is a very familiar scene in some Hollywood action and horror movies. But this short question: can you survive if you jump up at the exact moment the ladder hits the ground? Your survivability depends on the height of the ladder. Do a little math and understand right away. Before hitting the ground, the ladder is falling…

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Around the world, about 20% are sandy deserts or deserts, varying from just 2% in North America to 30% in Australia and more than 45% in Central Asia. Since deserts and deserts both have harsh climatic conditions and limited water resources, their vast areas are now being wasted. Many people think that the appearance of deserts and deserts is unnecessary because many countries around the world are currently facing a serious shortage of land. But, scientists claim that if the Earth did not have a desert, humanity would regret it. Why? 1. Influencing the development of forests Hongbin Yu – atmospheric science expert at…

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Engineers from the California Institute of Technology (Caltech) have discovered that Leonardo da Vinci’s understanding of gravity is centuries ahead of his time. In a paper published in the journal Leonardo, the team looked at one of Vinci’s notebooks and found that the famous scientist devised experiments to prove gravity was a form of acceleration. He even modeled the gravity constant with an accuracy of about 97%, reported on Feb. 13. Notes of Leonardo da Vinci’s gravity experiments. (Photo: British Museum) Da Vinci who lived from 1452 to 1519 went far in exploring this concept. It was not until 1604 that Galileo Galilei hypothesized that…

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In the excitement of romance, it can be easy to believe that two strangers can fall in love at first sight. But is love at first sight real? You are at a party and look around. 1, 2, 3… 5, the heart suddenly lost a beat. Your eyes lit up, your mind throbbed like fireworks. Those are exactly the manifestations of your being hit by “love lightning”. Maybe that is also the prospect of many people looking forward to a chance meeting with the other half. Although it sounds like a fairy tale, the reality is completely different. Love or lust? What is love? There can be…

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Factors such as temperature, weight and even direction of travel all determine the altitude of a commercial airliner. Commercial aircraft usually fly at altitudes above 9,144m. (Photo: Flying Magazine) The exact altitude of a passenger plane at any point in flight depends on many factors , such as weight, temperature and weather, direction of travel, and direction from air traffic control. In most cases, passenger planes will fly at more than 9,144 meters , according to John Cox, a former commercial pilot and director of the consulting firm Safety Operating Systems . Planes can reach heights of 12,192 – 12,496m, but that is relatively rare. Tom Adcock,…

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Climate change is increasing temperatures as well as making heat waves occur more frequently and more intensely. The humidity factor and extreme weather tested the limits of the human body. In 2022, as intense heat hit India, Pakistan, Bangladesh, Nepal and Sri Lanka, New Delhi recorded a record temperature of more than 49 degrees Celsius. By one estimate, 90% of the population 1.4 billions of Indians have suffered severe health or economic damage during this heat wave. This year, experts have issued severe weather warnings for many parts of India for the coming June – bad news for the electricity grid,…

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There are many factors affecting the “journey to find happiness” of modern people. Happiness is a feeling of euphoria, satisfaction or satisfaction with life. Everyone defines happiness in their own way, but happiness is often described as an emotion associated with positivity. Happiness can come from many factors, for example a person is born with a cheerful, optimistic personality, or is educated and raised in a favorable environment. These are factors beyond our control, but there is one that anyone can build and maintain, and that is relationships. Relationships are key to achieving lasting happiness. Even people with “negative genes” , often overthinking, or born into a toxic…

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The Victorian era is the name for the period from 1837 to 1901, when Queen Victoria ruled the United Kingdom. Historians believe that it is difficult to find a historical era that is more controversial and also reproduced in publications such as movies and books. However, it must be admitted that this is considered a period famous for many strict rules and quite strange. Children rarely see their parents Unlike the children of today, in the Victorian era, children spent most of their time with nannies. Children must adhere to early risers if they do not want to be seen as lazy. Many…

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