Author: nodims

Suffering an impact from a roving planet would cause the Earth to be completely destroyed. The fact that it only appears in the Solar System has also changed the orbits of all planets. Unlike Earth or the planets orbiting the Sun, there are billions of planets roaming around the Milky Way galaxy and not tied to any host star. Illustration of Earth colliding with a planet. (Photo: NASA/Newsweek). However, one thing scientists are discussing is what happens when a rogue planet enters the Solar System, even approaching Earth. According to What If, a rogue planet has been discovered at the edge of the…

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Astronomers simulated 24 planets flying in the same orbit as pearls on a necklace. Earth and 7 other planets rotate in the same solar system but move in separate orbits. However, other star systems may have 2, 3 or even 24 planets chasing each other in the same orbit around the host star, Popular Science reported on May 3 . The number of planets sharing the same orbit around the host star can be up to 24. (Image: BBC). Computer simulations by an international team of astronomers illustrate how more than two dozen planets could share the same orbits in research published in the journal Monthly…

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In the vast area of ​​British Columbia, Canada, which is rich in mountains and forests, more than a third of people have encountered supernatural beings, and half of residents have encountered supernatural phenomena in their homes. explainable. CanadaBritish Columbia Canada’s westernmost province known as “British Columbia”, with an overall area of ​​944,735 square kilometers, ranks as the third largest province in Canada and fifth among provinces and territories in Canada. According to Statistics Canada’s 2021 census data, British Columbia’s population reaches 5 million, ranking third in Canada. The province’s gross national product ranks fourth, the traditional industries are mainly forestry, mining and…

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Not long ago, a young woman in Türkiye was in a serious car accident while riding her motorbike to work. Although she is still unable to walk and is still undergoing physical therapy, she believes her grandmother gave her a sturdy helmet, so she can return from the dead. According to media aggregation, 22-year-old Asli Ece Ersoy from Eskisehir in northwestern Turkey, after graduating from university, has been in the auto business ever since. On the morning of October 1, 2022, she was driving her motorbike to work as usual, when she was going through a roundabout in the city, she…

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Despite having supernatural powers, smelling the ‘smell of death’ , dreaming of the future, thereby predicting the time when the patient will die, the Australian girl feels helpless, tormenting herself… According to The Mirror , Ari Kala was born and raised in Australia, she discovered she had a special ability, smelling the ‘smell of death’ when she was only 12 years old. That day, during a visit to her uncle who was sick, only 1 day left to live, she smelled a strange stench in the room, at first she thought this smell came from the uncle’s body, but Only then did she discover that her…

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There was once a woman in Japan who was born with keen senses, thanks to the hypnosis of her brother-in-law, her clairvoyance was awakened and she could see through objects, see the battlefield. in the distance, and the ore deposits are hidden in the rock. Analytical ability, sensitive senses On July 17, 1886, a family of doctors from Mifune in Kumamoto gave birth to a strange baby girl and was named Chizuko Mifune by the family. According to records, Chizuko is deaf, instead she has the ability of other senses to be very sharp. Chizuko once had a short marriage to…

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American man experienced near-death experience after ‘drowning’. According to him, he was originally waiting to be reincarnated or to begin the next phase with others who had just died, but was brought back to earth by two mysterious humanoid beings through a tunnel because he did not belong to the world. about that place. The man, named Phil Roiz, recently shared his near-death experience in Texas in 2012 on YouTube’s “The Other Side NDE” channel. Roiz said he was so weak from food poisoning, while standing in the bath, he vomited so much that he hit his head against the wall. He…

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Since childhood, Anna has suffered from an incurable stomach disease, she cannot eat normally but has to use a tube to pass liquid food into her body. Things were so difficult that I just wanted to end my life, but a miracle happened… Book “Miracle from Heaven” The story of little Annabel Beam was written into the book “Miracles from Heaven” and published in 2015. Through the book, Anna’s mother recorded real events that happened to her. Tormenting sickness When Anna was 6 years old, her stomach suddenly had strange symptoms, she couldn’t digest food like other normal people, every time Anna finished…

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