Author: nodims

One hundred years ago, in the physiotherapy darkroom of the University Hospital of Hamburg in Germany, doctors were treating patients. Suddenly, a miracle happened: Around the patient’s body appeared a halo of light, like clouds, or condensed gas, splendid colors, suddenly appearing.  Then, the famous American neurophysiologist Tonian simulated the actual environment of this physiotherapy room and successfully photographed this halo. This discovery was a shock, and many scientists have studied it, proving that the bodies of humans, animals, plants and other living things can emit this faint aura. Different people have different light intensity, the stronger the body, the stronger the…

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Airplanes rarely fly over Tibet for what reasons? Airplanes are a popular and convenient option for many people who want to travel long distances. Thousands of flights take place every day. However, there are still a few rare places in the world that planes can’t or don’t want to fly to like Tibet (China). Located on the Qinghai-Tibet Plateau, Tibet stretches over 1.2 million square kilometers, accounting for one-eighth of China’s total area. Instead of flying directly over Tibet, planes often choose to take a longer detour. In fact, the plane did not choose to fly over Tibet for safety reasons. 1. Danger…

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More and more scientific researchers believe that everything in the universe has life, including the earth. Photo: Motihada / Pixabay. If you observe closely, you can see that all life in the universe, although not the same in shape and type, still has similarities. In the late 60s of the last century, the British futuris and environmental scientist James Lovelock proposed the Gaia Hypothesis, which holds that the earth is a living object that can exist. can self-regulate internally to maintain its steady state. This is a property that only organic living things have, which can be called “internal balance”. Like…

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Is there any other life after humans leave this world? That is the question that has haunted mankind for centuries. And what do scientists say about this possibility? There have been many films and literature works on the topic of life after death, but that question has never had a definite answer. Even the scientific community has researched a lot on this topic but it is difficult to come up with a clear statement. However, after years of research, Sean Carroll, cosmologist and professor of physics at the California Institute of Technology, has affirmed: Life after death is “impossible”. According to Mr. Carroll,…

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Hello everyone, and welcome to explore the unsolved mysteries with us. Today we are going to talk about the phenomenon of “Transferring through space”. Let’s start with a real event… Illustration collage. One day in 1935, Robert Victor Goddard, commander in chief of the Royal Air Force, was directly assigned to a mission: to patrol an abandoned airfield in Drem near Edinburgh, Scotland. Here we call Drem airport. The Adventures of the British Pilot… Goddard flew his biplane expertly and flew over Drem Airport from the air. He discovered that this airport was too old, the apron was not repaired every year, the inside…

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As you move through the room, you will hear the horrible grinding of bones. Eventually, you’ll lose your balance by its eerie silence. Some say silence is golden. However, this certainly won’t happen if you find yourself in the quietest room in the world – no one can afford to sit here for more than an hour. In 2015, Microsoft built a room that is now officially recognized by the Guinness Book of Records as the quietest place on Earth. Dubbed the anechoic chamber, it is located at the company’s headquarters in Redmond, Washington, USA. According to scientists, there will probably be very…

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Since ancient times, people have admired the sky, felt the boundless immensity of the universe, and couldn’t help thinking about a question, how the universe was produced… The mystery of the birth of the universe: Survival is not the ultimate goal, the existence of the universe is to allow people to have a chance to sublimate? (Photo: Freepik) In the ancient civilizations of the East and the West, there are legends and myths of the creation of the gods, believing that the universe is where the gods reside. However, with the development of Western experimental science, scientists observing the universe through…

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One of the big questions facing humanity is whether we are alone in a universe of many parallel universes. Astrobiologists have begun to explore whether life could exist in other universes. (Image: Wikipedia) In fact, using modern observatories like the James Webb Space Telescope, astrobiologists seem to have come very close to detecting signs of life on these “Ears” other earth” if they exist… Now, a team of astronomers has even gone as far as to ask if life could exist in other universes? In other words, they want to know if we are alone in the multiverse. And they have developed a…

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