Author: nodims

Scientists have discovered that there have been other universes that existed before and also have black holes like the current universe. A team consisting of Oxford University mathematical physicist Roger Penrose, State University of New York mathematician Daniel An and Warsaw University theoretical physicist Krzysztof Meissner discovered the remnants. of a black hole and came to the conclusion that there were other universes that existed in the past before the universe we live in today, Dailymail on August 25 reported. They say the cosmic microwave background (CMB) radiation – which often causes white noise on TV – is evidence of…

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After a ‘fatal’ fall at the age of 3, Dorothy Eady Louise, a girl living in London, England, always claimed to be from ancient Egypt and once loved Pharaoh Seti I who reigned between 1291-1278 BC. . (Photo: British Museum) Like many other children, as a child, Dorothy Eady Louise, born in 1904, lived in a seaside town in London, England, was also very naughty. At the age of 3, while running down the stairs, Dorothy tripped and fell to the floor. The fall was so severe that the girl was determined to be unsustainable. However, in the last moments of her life,…

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According to the book The 12th Planet by author Zecharia Sitchin, there is a race of people named Anunnaki from another planet, with extremely advanced technology, who came to inhabit Mesopotamia hundreds of thousands of years ago… According to author Sitchin, Anunnaki are creatures about 3m tall, with beard, white skin and long hair… (Photo: UFO Insight) According to Mesopotamian mythology, Anunna or Anunnaki were often considered gods who lived with Anu in the heavens. But then, it is not clear why the Igigi are considered angels while the Anunna are the term used to refer to the gods in the…

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We have spent a lot of ink when it comes to the Pyramids of Giza, the world’s oldest great pyramid located in the land of Egypt. However, up to now, the questions: When was this pyramid built, for what purpose and how can such a great work be created?…still a mystery… However, until one day… Napoleon saw a horrifying sight in the King’s tomb. What did he see? In 1798, Napoleon arrived in Egypt, on an expedition that combined archaeological research. Like many people of his time, he was so impressed with the Pharaohs and the mysterious country of Egypt that he brought…

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There are many people in the world who claim to have been abducted by aliens. The most famous, however, is the case of the Reed family in America in the 1960s. Illustration The Reed family’s encounter with aliens is a historic event. In the spring of 2015, the Great Barrington Museum of History in Massachusetts, USA officially launched a case of the famous alien Reed family. This is believed to be the first alien encounter in the US or at least according to the organization, it is also a historic event. However, reaching consensus is not easy. Three out of nine executive committee…

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There are many people who believe that there once existed an advanced civilization on Mars, our ‘neighbor’ planet. Mars and Earth: Photo: In the middle of last year, Dana Rohrabacher, a member of the US House of Representatives, once asked scientists to explain the feasibility of this. His claim seems to be valid, because from the pictures taken in space projects people have recorded strange objects on the red planet. Congressman Dana Rohrabacher. Photo: Wikiquote More than a century ago, Italian astronomer Giovanni Schiaparelli observed long straight lines in the 60-degree North – 60-degree South latitude region on the surface of…

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Is King Arthur real, where is Cleopatra’s tomb, who killed US president Kennedy, when was Jesus born, does the Hanging Gardens of Babylon exist or not… are historical mysteries that probably never will. answerable. The lack of answers has made these mysteries all the more intriguing. Is there a real King Arthur? Statue of King Arthur The story of King Arthur has been told over and over again over the past 1,000 years. Camelot, the knight of the round table, the wizard Merlin, and the sword Excalibur are all well-known in the Arthurian stories. Several locations in England have legends associated with…

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Sci-fi buffs get goosebumps when they hear about a new UFO discovery, or an article titled: “Evidence of Aliens.” The advanced alien civilization not only exists, but it must be interacting with us in some way. (Photo via Sohu) Most people get excited when they hear about the Top Secret Records, or Interstellar Travel. Forget the idea that we’re going to find them – because the idea of ​​meeting and communicating with intelligent life from another planet is nerve-wracking and terrifying. Recently, the US government has committed to more transparency in their investigations of UFOs, and extraterrestrial studies. But the hypothesis of…

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